Bladder Incontinence Detection for Pressure Injury Prevention
Microclimate and the application of technology were among the hot topics at the virtual National Pressure Injury Advisory Board (NPIAP) conference in early March 2021. Jake Tran, President & CEO of Toronto Grace Health Centre was lead author on the poster explored the bladder incontinence moisture detection from the Curiato PI-Connect bed sensor technology.
Microclimate and the application of technology were among the hot topics at the virtual National Pressure Injury Advisory Board (NPIAP) conference in early March 2021. Jake Tran, President & CEO of Toronto Grace Health Centre was lead author on the poster explored the bladder incontinence moisture detection from the Curiato PI-Connect bed sensor technology.

A total of 132 nurse-recorded bladder incontinence observations were identified in the nurse observation data, and 125 bladder incontinence events were identified by the smart surface platform. The comparison resulted in matching 125 out of 132 bladder incontinence events with a 94.7% statistically significant agreement.

The two graphs above show relating to smart surface platform sensor data for average surface temperature oC (top) and average surface relative humidity (bottom) over a time period of 18 hours. Average values for both surface temperature and surface relative humidity values were segmented based on the section of the bed surface. Average values were segmented into upper, centre, and lower bed regions. The centre of the bed surface was highlighted given the analysis was targeted for bladder incontinence events. Average surface moisture and temperature values over the time period were impacted by the presence of bladder incontinence.

Curiato would like to express its gratitude and acknowledge the support it has received within the innovation ecosystem, including CABHI, University of Waterloo, Velocity Incubator, Communitech, OBIO, OCE, Berkeley Skydeck, Biomedical Zone, Ryerson University, St. Michael’s Hospital, CELS, NRC-Canada, Next Founders, MaRS, Accelerator Centre, St. Paul’s Greenhouse, H2i, and the Government of Ontario. NPIAP provides interprofessional leadership to improve patient outcomes in pressure injury prevention and management through education, public policy and research.